Rising Temperature Rising Frustration

Sri Lanka’s position paper on Climate Change given at the Conference for Climate Change (COP21) in December 2015 at Paris stated : “We are aware that the optimum operating temperature of chlorophyll is at 37 deg C. In a warming world where temperatures will soar well above that, food production will be severely impacted. We […]

Are We Leading From Behind ?

Today’s newspapers states that “Sri Lanka will take the lead in ensuring the developing economies have the resources to mitigate climate change”. As the worst polluter of the Indian ocean for years, as a promoter of fossil fuel and massive concrete constructions pouring out greenhouse gasses as ‘development’ and having changed our agriculture to one […]

Building Adaptive Resilient Ecosystem Areas (AREAS)

The writing is on the wall. In fact, most of us have already contributed to the writing. As we lament the increase in frequency and impact time of heatwaves it is ironic that, we quote the example of the frog in a pot of slowly warming water, and ignore the rising pattern of heat around […]

A Global Tropical Coral Bank.

The Threat to Corals Coral reefs comprise some of the most biologically diverse and valuable ecosystems on the planet. although reefs occupy only 0.2 percent of the ocean’s area worldwide, they are home to one-third of all sea life. and support more species per unit area than any other marine environment, including about 4,000 species […]

An oxygen Economy

Air, the last of the Global Commons that transcends political boundaries, may be the commonwealth that we can source our value transactions in the future. Air which contains the most precious substance in the known universe, free molecular Oxygen, is itself a mix of four major gasses Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (20.9%), Argon (.93%) and Carbon […]

The Lungs of A City

It is a pity that well meaning people have not used the basic knowledge that a lung extracts Oxygen from the air to identify the function of forests.  Consider the act of breathing, the air that enters a person’s lungs has 21% Oxygen, but on exhalation it has only 14% Oxygen. 6 -7 precent of […]