‘The sky is falling ‘- and what we can do about it!

It is a fact the global Oxygen concentration is falling. The two graphs, one from the US and the other from Australia demonstrate that the loss is global. The only process that can contribute to atmospheric Oxygen is photosynthesis by leaves of plants and the phytoplankton of the ocean. This loss is being accelerated by the […]

The Water Bomb

There has long been a suspicion that there is a force other than Carbon Dioxide that is pushing climate change. In fact, the changes predicted are coming faster than expected, the forgotten agent that is exasperating the changing climate is ‘new water’. Burning fossil fuels does not only produce new carbon dioxide it also produces […]

Are we killing the future ?

There is a magic engine that produces one of the rarest substances in the known universe, free molecular Oxygen. Free molecular Oxygen or O2 is found in abundance only on one known planet, ours and it is produced by the engine that supports all life photosynthesis. The process of photosynthesis is one where the energy […]


From whatever perspective we choose this fact is clear ‘there is a threat to life as we know it”, and this threat is being constantly amplified by the actions of man. The actions of modern technological man have helped bring this threat very close to becoming real for us on this planet Earth. In a […]

Development or Survival? Why We Need Biomass

Sri Lanka’s country statement to the 21st Conference of the Parties (known as COP21) to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Paris in 2015 stated, “We are aware that the critical Ecosystem services such as production of Oxygen, sequestering of Carbon, water cycling and ambient cooling is carried out by the photosynthetic […]

Mining The Global Commons

In a tragic and insensitive interview, Elon Musk boasts that he relies on the availability of Oxygen to power his rockets, because it is free. This is the same subsidy that we give the fossil fuel industry.  A free pass to abuse the global commons. This type of resource abuse is an actualization of the hypothesis that […]

Echoes of Cuba

I walk the hills rising from an azure blue Caribbean sea, and try to envision the history that I have been told, a history of an island, green, tropical, rich in resources that fell into a despotic military aided rule. The consequence of a power drunk ruler who made it easy for his cronies to […]

What is ‘Organic Agriculture’ and why is it important?

Organic Agriculture can be summarized simply as ‘Systems of agriculture that produces food and fiber free from industrially produced chemicals.’ It encompasses minerals, salts from natural sources, but the basic clear requirement is freedom from industrial chemicals such as fertilizer salts, herbicides and pesticides . There are many variations of agricultural practice worldwide which operate […]

Why Small Farms will be the backbone of food security

The ecological axiom that: ‘Energy flow through a system tends to organise and simplify that system’, is abundantly clear in agriculture. As farms moved from small interdependent units, bounded by fences and hedgerows, to large cropping fields to accommodate machine management, we lose the biodiversity that once existed on that landscape and the biomass that […]


The Global Commons sustain the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. It is under threat today, because the Governments and financial institutions of every nation has accepted internalization of the use of the resources of our commons by industry, leading to the collapse of the Global Commons we witness […]