The Creation Formula

From the Archean, 3.5 billion years ago, until the present there is a consistent pattern in all of evolutionary history, increases in biomass and biodiversity the operations of which, create ecosystems services. Although, biomass was impacted five times in the history of life, such that a large percentage of the existing biomass was fossilised, the imperative […]

Responding to our Energy Addiction

Sri Lanka today is in the throes of addiction withdrawal. Reliant on fossil fuels to maintain the economy and basic living comforts, the sudden withdrawal of oil, coal and gas deliveries has exposed the weakness and the danger of this path of ‘development’ driven by fossil energy. Although this was a result of some poorly educated […]

The Required System Change

We need a fresh paradigm towards a permanent truce with nature, in concurrence with her pace and in sync with her rhythm.” Ray Wijewardene, Sri Lankan, Agricultural Scientist Extraordinaire Sri Lanka, is ‘the canary in the coalmine’ of fossil powered economic growth, that promises ‘development’. The pain of withdrawal from addiction is felt from the cooking fires of its homes, to […]

What are the urgent and critical issues related to climate change?

Now that Sri Lanka will host a group of international; experts, policymakers, scientists, and practitioners from around the world, travelling here, to address the ‘urgent and critical issues related to climate change’ (2-3 November 2023),  It is time to repeat again the Sri Lanka Position Paper to the UN Conference for Climate Change (COP21) Paris 1-10 December […]

De-globalisation: A paradigm for sustainable development ?

“Do not look a gifted horse in the mouth”  – So goes an old adage. The import of this statement would seem to be: except a gift with gratitude and do not question its value for after all, it is a gift. It would seem that we have as a nation accepted many gifts in […]

The Altar on which we Sacrifice Our Children

It is stated that, Cuba, “ Is a small country which has for almost fifty years refused to relinquish its national sovereignty to the greatest superpower on the planet”.  Sri Lanka is the opposite, “ It is a small country which has for almost fifty years worked to relinquish its national sovereignty for loans from any […]